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(602) 451-8349
Certified Appraisers
Estate Specialist
Licensed & Bonded
Lowest Commision Guaranteed
We Offer Your Estate To A World Wide Audience
Over 30 Years Of Experience!
In-Home Estate Sales, Online Consignments, Online Auctions.
Free Estate Evaluation!
In-Home Estate Sale
We will organize and sort all items, researching them to competitively price at fair market value. Prices will be clearly labeled on each item.
We will advertise and promote the sale through online platforms, social media, and our extensive email lists. Items will be arranged attractively to ensure easy access for buyers, with tables, displays, and signage prepared in advance.
Accepted payment methods will include cash and credit/debit cards. Our staff will be friendly and approachable, providing information about items and being open to price negotiations.
After the sale, we will determine the fate of any unsold items, considering options such as donating, keeping, or discarding them.
Online Auctions
Ace Of Estates will create a listing for each item, including a description, starting bid, and auction duration. Buyers place bids on the item, with each bid required to be higher than the previous one.The auction runs for a predetermined time, typically lasting 3 weeks. At the end of the auction, the highest bidder wins the item and is required to complete the purchase.The winning bidder will complete payment through our secured credit processor. Once payment is confirmed, we will ship the item(s) to the buyer.
Our online auction platform will provide buyer and seller protections to enhance trust and security.