Estate Of Affairs

Modesto, CA 95357
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Estate Sales – Downsizing – Divorce 

Business Consolidation- Relocation


Estate of Affairs is a full- service asset liquidation company with over 30 years of Sales and Service with the general public. We are here to extend a hand when our clients need us most. At Estate of Affairs, we are prepared to devise and implement an effective and efficient plan to help relieve an overwhelming burden while maximizing your proceeds.

Sometimes what appears to be junk may actually be a valuable treasure. Let us provide the information you need.

We urge you to call us today for a free consultation!

Remember, a professional liquidator can ease the burden of the overwhelming scope of work required to handle the entire process. A professional liquidator has knowledge and experience with preparation, organization, pricing, advertising, negotiation, cleanup, and removal of unsold items.

Estate of Affairs offers a free onsite evaluation. During this time, we present you with a no-obligation proposal. If you agree, we provide a written Estate Sales Agreement outlining the scope of work, date of sale, fees, and payment structure.

Estate of Affairs does not require any upfront costs or fees from our clients on most sales.

We work diligently for our clients to sell every item and to maximize the proceeds from each sale.

Estate of Affairs capitalizes on every sale with Superior Customer Service through Compassion, Dedication, Integrity and Accountability.


About Our Founder


From Our Owner

Estate of Affairs is a family business founded by James B. Souza III. Given our more than 30 years of sales and service experience and regard for knowledge and professionalism, we are confident that we will surpass your expectations.

Humble Beginning

Growing up, my grandmother was an avid antique dealer/collector. As with most children, we do not realize the wealth of knowledge and responsibility being taught to us by the people that came before us.

​Along with my grandmother, I frequented the community and traveled the country searching for hidden treasures at venues such as estate sales, garage sales, antique shops, etc. I learned how to buy, sell, negotiate, and research. Looking back, I didn’t realize this would be the foundation of the enormous knowledge and expertise I have acquired throughout the years.

As I grew older, my grandmother and I continued what we coined as “antiquing”. This was of great importance to the next phase in my life. As the years moved forward, I found myself involved in a highly successful family business with my late father, James B. Souza Jr. Here, sales and service were paramount. I was taught and given an opportunity to develop the skills necessary to exceed customer’s expectations in the building industry. I eventually took my skills and incorporated them into my own highly lucrative sales and services companies that served the general public.

A New Perspective in Life

​During this era of positive growth, I lost my grandmother. However, not everything passed with her. I continued to use what she graciously taught me through the years. Together with my father, I continued collecting and selling antiques. After my grandmother’s passing, I began to re-evaluate life as I knew it. During this period the economy was looking grim. The decision was made to liquidate our business and assets prior to experiencing a financial downfall.​

People often ask, “How did you know the economy was going to decline so rapidly? How did you know it was time to liquidate?” My response has been, “I just got lucky.” However, the reality is a keen sense of economics and sincerely relying and trusting my instincts. The same traits I graciously learned growing up and throughout my life. 

This change gave me an opportunity to work for a Fortune 500 company. In this role I was responsible to hire, train, develop, and hold a workforce accountable to exceed corporate expectations. Our team took care of tens of thousands of customers per year. Through teamwork, collaboration, and sales focus we created and implemented creative programs to drive sales to ensure compliance with corporate projections. Our location alone contributes $20-25 million to our parent company. This is of great responsibility when over 100 families rely on your collaborations and decisions to ensure their livelihood.

As the hours turned to days and the days to months, my father and I continued buying and selling antiques, furniture, household items, vehicles, etc. until what I call the beginning of the end. My dad fell sick and was diagnosed with the big “C” (cancer). It was an uphill battle that relentlessly took place over three years until fate intervened. Since his untimely passing I have continued to define who I am and what I believe in. This is an evolving process through continual growth, learning, sacrifice, and appreciation of the little time we have on this earth with our family and friends.

A New Direction to Help Others

​The passing of my father is the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. The second hardest, what to do next? There is the family to consider, arrangements, planning, cost, and so on. So indeed, I sincerely understand what it’s like to walk into a mountain of overwhelming circumstances. When my dad passed I wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. Fortunately for me, I could rely on my family and friends for substantial support. However, when the need to deal with his belongings arose, I quickly became discouraged with the lack of support outside of family.


Estate of Affairs was established after a lot of thought, consideration and research to intervene for our clients to help relieve some of the burden and confusion when fate takes its course. At Estate of Affairs, we understand that sometimes people need a shoulder to lean on. Even with increased responsibility, we pride ourselves on providing Superior Customer Service through Compassion, Dedication, Integrity, and Accountability. We are dedicated to delivering efficient and responsive representation that remains on target when our clients need us most. We understand every sale is a unique experience that deserves our utmost attention. Working together, we will find a resolution that is fair and equitable without compromise to our clients’ core interests.


Estate of Affairs is dedicated in loving memory of my father, friend and mentor: 

James B. Souza, Jr. (July 1948 to October 2013)


We do it all for you! 


Please contact with us today for more information!


Kurt Rivera

- Kern County Chapter - 

Phone: (661) 616- 8662- email: - web:


James Souza

- Founder -

Phone: (209) 857- 5727 - email: - web:



We Serve all cities in the following counties: 

Alameda, Fresno, Kern, Merced, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne 


Our Sales

Apr 5
9am to 2pm (Sat)

Estate of Affairs is hosting Another Fun And Exciting Estate Sale in Manteca, CA

Listed by Estate Of Affairs Last modified 2 Weeks ago. 1 Picture Total.

Manteca, CA 95336
4/5 9am to 2pm (Sat)
Manteca, CA 95336

Our Testimonials

To whom it may concern,
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my experience with an unlikely decision to have an
estate sale as opposed to my plan to simply have a garage sale. Our home of 17 years was filled with
normal stuff. There are no collectibles, no antiques or anything of any great value. Oh sure sentimental
value but mostly well used department store fare suitable for garage sale. After putting the house up for sale our life became filled with the usual stress of home sales. However at our age dealing with so many of these stresses the big garage sale was becoming more work than we could handle. I contacted and was contacted by 12 Estate sales companies offering to hold my Estate Sale. I had not a clue what these people actually do, let alone be able to choose a vendor from the 12. So the wife and I selected Estates of Affairs from Modesto Ca simply because we both felt comfortable with Mr. James Souza as a person, not really knowing what he does or how well he does it. Mr. Souza warned us that he takes preparation of the sale very seriously and would be back in the next week or so to begin staging our home, whatever the heck that means.
Mr. Souza returned with a team of nice people that turned our home into a department store of sorts.
They cleaned every room of our home, then tagged most ever item for sale from TVs and couches to
knives and forks! It was a bit bizarre to say the least, they were putting in so much effort with our stuff.
However, James and team were in our home making this process almost fun. Fun? Well actually yes,
they were super nice people that actually became our friends before the sale ever even started. Now
there were some awkward moments when they pulled out furniture and began cleaning our years of
dust and grime. As the sale grew closer we began to learn that this was a true family operation. James
and his team all worked so hard it was impressive. So up to this point just before the sale I was
completely happy and satisfied with their unusual efforts in “staging” our home. I felt as though the
Estate Sale was a success simply because my house was now so clean an organized. As for the upcoming
sale day my financial expectations were very low because our stuff was very close to being thrown away and James took the sale on very short notice; two weeks leaving no real time for advertising. However James told me about their “followers” that come to all their sales. Sure enough on the day of the sale there was a line of people waiting down our driveway two hours before the sale even started. WOW! My remote Oakdale neighborhood was full of cars and people. It was nothing short of amazing. James and his team were so professional and I would call the entire event dignified from my perspective. After the sale was over I was left with an empty house and the sight of James and his team cleaning and vacuuming my entire home! It was embarrassing I asked him to stop, but he said it’s all part of his package! Well as far as we were concerned the sale was a major success and I had not the slightest clue how much cash we made nor did I care, my junk was gone and my house was clean win, win!
James told me that he would tally the sales slips (They keep a record of every sale) and bring me a
cashiers check on Monday. Monday, James hands me a check that made me hit the floor, then I hit the
wall, then I rolled around on the floor…. I was astounded. If you think this letter is one of those fake
stories you may contact me at I would be more than happy help you decide who you want handle your Estate Sale.
James and team thank you for your service.
Keith Dailey
Keith Dailey February 2017

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