SoCal Estate Sale Services offers a free consultation to evaluate the estate and offer our services. We then sign a detailed contract with the client so they will know exactly what to expect from our services. This is very important as each client is unique and we will do everything we can to accommodate their situation.
We typical need 2-3 weeks lead time before the event for organizing, staging, and pricing of all items and advertising for maximum exposure.
Our advertising is extensive, including EstateSales.Net, Craigslist, neighborhood flyers and signs and emails to our large network of dealers and collectors. All of these resources are necessary to make the estate sale successful.
Our extensive knowledge and experience in selling antiques and collectibles is a guarantee that every valuable item will be priced appropriately. The most valuable items will be sold through internet auctions on consignment basis for maximum profit.
After the conclusion of the estate sale the client will receive an itemized accounting that includes gross sales, commission fees, extra services fees, amount payable to us and the net profit to the client.
It'll be sunny (we hope)! Temp 2128.
We pride ourselves on a "sell-through" rate of 90% and more. However, there are occasionally unsold items. You can choose a specific charity to donate the remainder of the unsold items, such as "Hospice", "Humane Society", "Goodwill Industry", "Salvation Army", or the charitable organization of your choice.
They will pick up unsold items for free. However, a 2-3 week lead time might be required. We will assist in packing unsold items for donation.
We do everything with our client's satisfaction in mind. That means minimal effort and maximum profit for them. And, of course we are licensed and bonded for our client's security.
Please Contact Us: (760) 525-8785