Who is Heritage Estate Sales & Liquidation?
Until a few months ago, I was a school principal. I retired from education after many years of being a language arts teacher, then school administrator, and started this company. But I’ve been around estate sales, flea markets, storage wars, auctions, and have thrifted my entire life, so in a way, I returned to my roots. I even took the name “Heritage” from my father’s remodeling/contracting business. My dad treated people with respect and dignity and never had to advertise because the referrals just kept coming in. That’s how I intend to run my business.
Three years ago, I lost my mom, and my dear friend lost her sister. It was then, with helping settle the estates and clearing out the possessions from two lives well lived, that I learned a lot about this field and what’s out there for people going through an emotional time who need these kinds of service and support. And I knew I had something to offer that was different. Three years later, here I am.
What you can count on from me:
I do not have a “cookie cutter” one-size-fits all approach. Every situation is unique, and I believe every estate sale, downsizing, or liquidation should be unique and fitted to the client’s (owner’s) needs. My years of training in trauma-informed care-and having gone through this myself-has given me important insights in how to help my clients through this themselves. People are not cookies.
I believe in accommodating my customers’ (buyers) schedules and needs as much as possible. I look for ways to make my sales and auctions better for what they're looking for and offer convenience and good service on auction pickup days. They are who keep me in business.
It'll be sunny (we hope)! Temp 2221.
I may have retired from education, but my heart for teachers remains. I employ only educators-or people who work in education-and their children/family. I know them to have huge, servant hearts; they love people, have experience in trauma-informed care, and let’s be honest – they are all looking for extra income from time to time. They make the best staff I could possibly have.
If you or anyone you know is ever in need of my services, I hope you pass my name along.
Thank you,
Anne Blackburn, Owner