Bluebird Estate Sales has the knowledge, experience and expertise to sell every item in your home. The network we have established of loyal buyers reliably attend our Ridgefield and surrounding area estate sales, online sales and auctions.
Our estate sales are heavily promoted through our website, social media, web advertising and area specific classified newspaper advertisements. We have long-term relationships with collectors, dealers, decorators, designers and buyers on our email list. We sell anything and everything from fine furniture & furnishings, crystal, china, fine silver, costume & fine jewelry, porcelain & pottery, automobiles, designer items, clothing, antiques, artwork along with household items, appliances, tools, landscaping equipment, etc.
Not enough for an estate sale... Bluebird Consignment located at 346 Ethan Allen Highway may be the answer. Visit our website to see the type of items we carry or send us a photograph of your item for review.
Please come see us on Day 1. Feels like 118 great items.