Cash Buyouts
for Estates
Sometimes Change happens
to stress ones life....
Relocating from a large family
home filled with memories to a
retirement home.
To shed many of one's lifelong
accumulations can be very
confusing and stressful.
Is a major stress whether its to
relocate across town or out of
And sometimes change and
stress are thrust upon us when
a loved one passes away.
We offer our services to help
eliminate the STRESS....
John C. Locks Antiques Specialize in Estate
Liquidations & Moving Sales in the Central
Florida Area. We Are Locally Owned &
Operated. We Professionally, Stage, Manage,
& Liquidate Entire Estates for a Reasonable
Fee Based on a Percentage of the Gross
Sales. There are Never Any Out of the Pocket
Expenses. We Also Buy Estates Out-Right for
CASH, One Item to Complete Contents.
There are many companies who do estate and moving sales in Central
Florida. We know how difficult it is to choose one company over another.
Which company will be sensitive to your sales needs? Which company will
yield you the most profits?
Selling your own personal property, i.e., fine furnishings, porcelains, crystal, oriental
carpets, china, jewelry, silver, collectibles, antiques, art, yard equipment, tools, cars,
electronic equipment, can be an overwhelming, risky, and stressful task. We provide a
complete professional and ethical handling of your entire estate from start to finish.
Call For Your Free Consultation
Please come see us on Day 1. Feels like 113 great items.