Cotton & Company Estate Sales Company is a Full Service company - not many estate sale companies can honestly say that. We provide your first, no obligation consultation with our seasoned professionals to discuss your needs, whether it is relocation, divorce, handling the estate of a loved one, downsizing or cleaning out a home for any reason.
At Cotton & Company, we understand that this can be an emotional time for everyone, so we provide you with a thorough overview of our services, including an action plan for your estate sale. Our professionals are vested in the utmost success of your estate sale and we will guide you through this process from start to finish. We also provide lead resourcing for you to contact a clean-out professional for the end of your sale if you are interested in that service.
Cotton & Company handles the organization, staging, pricing and hosting of your estate sale. We urge customers to meet with us as early as possible to discuss your needs - we don't want you to throw out or donate items that you could profit from. Our team of appraisers, stagers, marketers, interior designers and sales professionals are wholly committed and completely involved in driving your sale.
One of THE most important things we do is Marketing. We advertise your estate sale in more places than any other estate sale company. We advertise on,, Facebook, CraigsList, Yelp, NextDoor, Directional Signs and your HOA. After the conclusion of your sale, you will have a spreadsheet with all items that sold and their prices emailed to you within 3 days and a check mailed to you within 10 days.
Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 3124.