We are a Family owned and operated company ... We have been working in the Antiques business for more then 30 years. We have had booths in many antique malls in the St. Clair County area and had many Estate sales in Macomb, St. Clair, Lapeer, & Sanilac county's. We sell any item you might have, Automobiles, Tractors, Boats, Household items and Exc.We don't presale! Everyone has a fair chance at our sales.
Getting ready for a sale can be difficult. We ask you tag items you don't want to sell or move them to one room, don't forget about personal paperwork.
Make sure you don't throw anything away nor donate anything even the littlest item will sell.
We advertise in, Ads in local newspapers Estatesales.net, Twitter ,Facebook , Flyers, Instagram, we talk to the neighbors informing them of increased traffic.
Don't throw anything away!! Leave the items you don't want and call a company.
Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 3158.