We are a family owned company that knows life and your estate sale is 95% hard work and 5% luck! We want everyone to enjoy themselves, be treated respectfully, have fun, and for the client, reach the intended goal of the sale, which we work to customize and understand each family's unique needs.
We offer a variety of options by providing estate/tag sales, in house or off site auctions, cleanouts/buyouts, or liquidation of individual collections.
We have recently added junk removal to our list of services provided.
We have a weekly multi estate auction every Thursday evening in Jefferson County at 5:30 pm at 1515 Miller Road, Imperial, MO 63052. If you are unable to have an estate sale in your home, have a small estate, or just prefer to have your items moved offsite, this may be a good solution for you. It is also ideal if you are living in your home until it sells and cannot have a sale.
Please call or visit to see how it works!
We will do our best to find a way to get it done!
Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 3193.