Meek's Antique Auctions is a family run business. We are direct importers of English & French antiques, garden-ware and collectibles.
Due to popular demand, this coming year we are going to be adding more auctions to our calendar. Therefore, we will split our sales into 3 different categories to suit everyone tastes and bias. Here is a brief description of what we will be doing and how we will describe the different kinds of sales...
Quality Antiques, Decorators Items & Accessories (Will always be held monthly on a Sunday)- These auctions will feature the quality English & French antiques and collectibles and will continue to be an auction of diversity where the unique is plentiful and the rare is commonplace. These auctions will be second to none.
General Sales (Will always be held on a Saturday) - These auctions will consist of 100's of medium quality antiques and collectibles etc This is where we will "clear the decks" You'll find all types of merchandise from inexpensive armories, Welsh dressers, secretaries, servers, hall trees, washstands, pub tables and everything in between.
"Smalls" Auctions (Will typically be held on a Saturday) - These sales will feature hundreds of smalls including things like flow blue, Wedge wood, glassware, mirrors, prints, paintings, decanters, majolica, silverware, sterling, candlesticks, lamps, transfer ware, old pewter, brass ware, in fact there is so much that the items will be too numerous to list. This is where you can find great fillers for your homes, booths and shops.
We hope that you all are as excited about this as we are and we hope to see you at the auctions.
Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 3190.