Our first meeting will be a quick walk-thru of your home to determine if an Estate sale is a viable option. We take into account the estate contents & their condition, marketability, as well as several logistical issues. We will review our policies, business standards, and answer any questions you may have. We will review our contract with you line by line and discuss our availability.
After we receive a signed contract, and a key to the home, our team will get to work sorting, organizing, cleaning, staging and pricing. This tasks is easiest when the home is vacant, This is important...we have a reputation for hosting exceptional sales in a clean, organized, easily navigated shop-like setting. This step also allows us to ask prices higher than some of our competitors. A dusty vase in the corner behind a stack of books might bring $5.00 but a sparkling vase on a polished table in front of a window will bring much more.
During this time, our staff will also be researching some of the estate contents. We refer to local experts, and online research as well as inquiries (when necessary) to larger auction houses, museums or galleries. Our goal is to be well informed on all facets of your sale so we can command prices in keeping with your estates value.
The length of time we spend in “pre-sale prep” varies from sale to sale but it generally takes us one week to get a home ready for the estate sale.
The week before your sale we will also be focusing on marketing & advertising. We have an email list of over 2200 clients who attend our sales regularly. We will post photographs and sale details on our website, craigslist, facebook and several Estate sale listing websites. Ads will also be placed in the local newspaper.
The morning of your sale, signs will be placed for maximum visibility. We will be well staffed and generally have one employee for every two rooms to answer questions and minimize the chance of shoplifters.
At the end of the sale, you have two options. We can remove all unsold items and leave the home “broom clean” OR leave those items for you to tend to. Our supplies & signs will be removed and the home will be left tidy & organized.
Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 321.
You will receive your funds in 7-10 business days after the sale. We accept credit & debit cards as well as local checks. As soon as those post to our account, we will contact you to arrange payment & return of the estate keys.
We take pride in providing exceptional service at what can be a difficult time. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if we can be of assistance.
Our reputation. We have established ourselves as a company built on integrity, honor & respect. We understand how stressful a time of transition can be. We take pride in assisting our clients while maximizing the profits of their estate.
Our experience. We have arranged estate sales for out of state clients, for well known politicians , for compulsive collectors, for families at odds with what to do with loved ones belongings. We have hosted sales in large homes where security was necessary, forth floor condominiums, and others that posed logistical challenges. From each of these we have walked away with valuable insight and ideas that we take with us to assist future clients.
Our integrity. We most always come across a few forgotten treasures. from old family photos to hidden jewelry or money stashed in an old book, there is always something unexpected tucked away. You will be made aware if we come across any valuables or jewelry and all currency will be turned over. Any personal or financial papers will be boxed and set aside for you.
Our knowledge. Our staff holds a wealth of information in many different areas allowing us to spot diamonds in the rough or treasures others might overlook. We also realize we don’t know everything and average over 10 hours of research per sale.
Our staff. We are blessed to have a staff that loves to organize, clean, stage, get up early, work late and work hard. They share our commitment to treating every client with the utmost respect and compassion and to bringing their best to each sale.
Our fees. There are absolutely no upfront costs for our services. We earn a percentage of the proceeds of the sale...another reason we price carefully & aggressively.
Keep in mind....
Every Estate Sale company is different. Percentages will vary, turn around times will differ. Will their sale yield a higher gross? Will valuable pieces slip through their hands unnoticed? What exactly will they DO to ensure a successful, profitable sale?
We realize there are companies out there that will offer a clients a higher percentage of a sales earnings. As with most things, you get what you pay for. Our reputation has set us above many other Estate Sale companies... from our attention to detail in organizing & staging your estate, to the research, marketing & advertising, to the level of respect & compassion we extend to each client & their belongings...we set high standards and achieve a high level of success with every sale.
We can state, with confidence, our sales achieve higher totals as a direct result of the dedication, hard work, experience & commitment we bring to each and every estate.
References can be read on our website and we will glady put you in contact with past clients should you ask.
We look forward to serving you should the need arise.
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our goal is to make this time of transition as seamless as possible. We take pride in our commitment to serving you with integrity, compassion & respect. Please call us if we can be of service to you or your family.