Those Three Sisters Estate Sale Services LLC has been a family-owned and operated business in the Hillsboro, Texas area for more than twenty-three years. Sisters and co-owners, Pamela Bowman and Shauna Patton, work with their large estate sale team in the cleaning, arranging and pricing within the estate homes/properties and then, on sale days. Their estate sales are always a huge success because they are focused on making each sale an enjoyable experience for their customers and they do the work for each estate as though they were doing the sale for a family member.
Because we started out as estate sale customers, everything done at our sales is the way we wished it done when we were the shoppers.
- We organize every part of the house and have a price on every single item.
- Items are not sold before our opening morning...first one in has a crack at everything.
- Our opening times are really our opening times. Relax and enjoy that cup of coffee.
- We have a holding area where you can leave a chosen item and then, continue to shop. There is no need to bring a child along to 'watch your pile'.
- Boxes are provided for your shopping and ease of carrying your items to the car.
- Our checkout area is a real checkout area...with cash registers and everything. The number of cashiers on hand depends on the size of the sale, but we have had sales so large that we've had three regular cashiers and another for express checkout.
- We treat our estate sale clients and customers as family.
- I have more, but we want to appear humble. :)
Shauna and I will be glad to meet with you for a free consultation and discuss what is best for your circumstances.
You may visit the company's Facebook page and website for photos and sale descriptions of past and future sales. Too, when on the website, you may click on the navigation bar "newsletter" to submit your information and receive an email with link to photos/sale description before every upcoming sale!
Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 3154.