W & W Estate Sales is located in Kingwood, Texas. We have over 25 years of experience in buying and selling antiques and estate items. We take pride in our reputation for integrity, and profitable results for the owner.
W&W Estate Sales work strictly on commission. There are no upfront fees or hidden costs.
The owner is paid immediately on close of sale.
We will bring in as many tables, and table cloths, as needed to be sure items are displayed to their full potential.. We will provide clothing racks, jewelry displays, and shelving as needed. We put out professional signage in the neighborhood directing people to the sale, unless there are HOA restrictions.
We are not responsible for, but will suggest several options, for items that have not sold.
We will be happy to set up a free consultation and content evaluation. Our services vary depending on your needs. Please give us a call. We'd love to speak with you and find out how we can help.
Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 3123.
References available on request.