Antiques On Main has been serving the community with successful sales since 2008. Our professional estate sale services provide advice and a plan to efficiently settle estates. Clients individual needs are met through a variety of services that include estate sales for whole or partial estates, consignment, and online sales.
Our expert team takes pride in serving families, which is showcased in the compassion, dedication, and attention to detail. We understand that each families situation is unique and having a caring person to guide you through these big and sometimes overwhelming decisions is important. We like to say we are here for you From Sort to Sold!
*Fully trained staff
*Detailed accounting of items sold
*Merchandise is clean, organized, and expertly displayed, and advertised
*Items are researched and clearly labeled
*Specializing in antique and vintage estate sales
Give us a call, we would be honored to host your sale.
Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 3250.