Estate Sale of Lelton and Sue Bell

estate sale4 day sale last day is tomorrow
Mar 7
10am to 4pm
Mar 8
9am to 3pm
Mar 9
1pm to 4pm
Mar 10
10am to 12pm
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Parking on one side of street, please ...... we love the police but we do not want them coming.
 Description & Details

This sale is a Picker’s Paradise ……nice oak breakfast table, Lenox Winter Greetings china, stocked kitchen, iron skillets, Pyrex, Mikasa christmas china, Fitz and Floyd Christmas Holly China, Corningware, pantry items, leather sofa, books, records galore, many Daniel Moore Alabama artwork, linens, quilts, desk, fridge, upright freezer, washer/dryer, oak dining room suite, China, glassware galore, living room sofa, end tables, sofa table, lamps, clothing, costume jewelry, silver plate, brass tea cart, Larry Martin artwork, stereo, stereo equip, electronics, camera collection, model cars, grandmother clock, home health equip,Alabama clothing, mirrors, poster bed, chest, dresser, floor mirror, cedar chest,cdcollection,golf clubs, tools, Corollas,wrought...

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