Frequently Asked Questions

Listed below are various questions we've received over the years. If you don't see your question answered, please feel free to give us a call (888-653-8468) or e-mail us ( support@EstateSales.NET).

Can I list my garage/yard sale on EstateSales.NET?

Unfortunately, no. EstateSales.NET is reserved for traditional estate sales and auctions where the entire home or business is being liquidated, or most of it.

In addition to garage or yard sales, we also do not allow flea markets, vendor sales, rummage sales, or antique malls. You can read more about what types of sales we do and don’t love, and other policies for listing sales, using the links below.

Sale Types on EstateSales.NET
Prohibited Items on EstateSales.NET
Company and Sale Listing Polices on EstateSales.NET

How do I list my sale?

To get started listing your estate sale when you do not already have an account, click the link below.

List a Sale

If you already have an account, click sign in, located in the navy banner across the top of any page. Once signed into your account, you can either click list a sale in the navy banner at the top of the page, or Add Sale located on the account menu.

Can I choose when my address is shown to the public?

Yes! You can choose to withhold the address of your sale for security purposes, or even choose to release it early if you allow early bird shoppers. By default, the address for a sale will be released at 9 am the day before the sale starts.

To change the time your sale’s address is released:

  1. Start from your Account Home page
  2. Click Edit next to the corect sale
  3. On the Info tab, click (change) located under the area to enter the street address
  4. Choose the best option for your sale
  5. Click Save & Continue
In which city will my sale be listed?

By default, your sale will show up on its home city sale listings page and city sale listings pages within a 100-mile radius.

If you want to increase the distance in which your sale will be advertised, or make it more visible, you can purchase a slot for a Local, Regional or National feature. You can purchase a feature on the Options tab when setting up your sale.

If you’ve already published your sale and want to add a feature, you can do the following:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click Edit next to the correct sale.
  3. Click Options from the available tabs.
  4. Choose the feature(s) you would like to add, then click Save & Continue.
  5. You will be prompted to the Publish tab for payment for the feature(s) added. Click Pay and Publish Sale.
What information should I provide in my sale listing?

It’s best to provide as much information as possible and detail as possible in your sale listing. Not only can you help potential buyers know what to expect, you can also help drive buyers to your sale by using terms that might be searched or used for Treasure Tracker. You can provide information to your listing in the Terms and Conditions and Sale Description sections on the Details tab, and you can also add pictures to your listing. We have no limit for text, so more is better.

Terms and Conditions - Let buyers know what forms of payment you accept, rules or expectations for your sale, or whether or not they need to bring along a friend to help them load heavy items.

Sale Description - Make sure to leave no stone unturned when providing a description for your sale. This is a great place to include terms that might be searched by buyers like collections, brand names, larger items such as furniture, etc. there are all kinds of kinds out there and you never know what they may be searching for. One thing is for certain, if you don’t list it, they won’t find it. Pro-tip: putting your items in list form in your description makes it easier for buyers to quickly read and search through.

Pictures - Take the time to collect snapshots of your sale. A sale with no photos will likely be overlooked. Who wants to drive to a sale without certainty of what will be there? Make sure your photos are clear with good lighting, and you might even want to consider using a backdrop to show off nicer pieces of furniture or jewelry. You can also add descriptions to your photos, which is a great place to put dimensions or other significant details.

How should I title my sale?

The goal of your sale title is to catch interest from potential buyers. While you don’t want your title to be too long, you definitely want it packed with attention-grabbing words. We recommend that you consider including aspects such as collections, name brands, automobiles, or the general location if it’s a desirable area. Here are some examples of ways you can jazz up your sale title, though we’re certain you can be even more creative:

  • Lifetime Hull Pottery Collection, Plus Everything From A to Z
  • St. Louis Cardinals Collectibles and a Full House From World Travelers
  • 40 Years of Living in Luxurious Sunset Hills - A Full House of Surprises!
  • Sought After Estate Sale Featuring Rare Antiques and Timeless Finds!
  • Mid-Century Modern, Fine Jewelry and Vintage Christmas in the Esteemed Long Oak Area
How do I add a video to my sale listing?

You can add a video about your sale to your sale listing if it has a URL. An example of a URL that is acceptable to add to your sale listing is a YouTube or Vimeo video. You can add a video to your sale on the Details tab when creating or editing your sale. We ask that the videos uploaded to your sale are only about your sale. We do not allow commercials for companies or other advertisements. Any videos not related specifically to the advertised sale will be removed.

If you’ve already published your sale, you can add a video by doing the following:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click Edit next to the correct sale.
  3. Click the Details tab.
  4. Enter the URL for your video in the Sale Video URL field.
  5. Click Save & Continue.
What sale type should I choose? Which will get my sale the most exposure?

There is no one sale type that will gain your sale more exposure than the others. By default, all sale types are displayed on metro and city pages 100 miles from their zip code. Site visitors are able to filter their settings and choose specifically which sale types they want to view and the distance they are willing to travel.

Your sale listing should be marked with the correct sale type. Our users want to know what to expect when they arrive at a sale, and each type of sale holds expectations for how items might be sold. We also offer the ability for users to choose what sale types they want to receive emails about, so marking it correctly is important to us and our users.

When we find that sale has been marked incorrectly, we will change the sale type and notify you by phone or email. Excessive misuse or dishonesty when labeling a sale’s type can result in removal of your sale, or even account.

How can I change or remove the contact phone number on my sale?

You have the ability to include a contact phone number for potential buyers on your sale listing. The default phone number listed on your sale will come from the contact phone number listed in your Company Settings. You can choose to remove the default phone number, or use a custom phone number for the sale. You can make changes to the phone number that appears on a sale by doing the following:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Click Edit next to the correct sale
  3. On the Info tab, click (change) in the Phone section
  4. Click Save & Continue after making changes
How quickly do I need to get my listing published?

The minimum amount of time would be two calendar days before your sale starts to be sure that an email goes out to our users about your sale. We suggest getting it listed at least seven (7) days ahead of time if possible. Here's a little more detail on the two day minimum: If your sale starts on Saturday, you would need to have it published (and paid for) before midnight on Thursday (Central Time).

What’s the cut-off time for uploading pictures to my sale listing?

There is not a cut-off time for photos to be uploaded to your sale. You can upload, edit, or remove any photos at any point up until your sale ends. To make changes or additions after your sale has been published, log into your account and click Edit next to the correct sale title, then click on the Photos tab.

We do, however, have a cut-off date for your sale to be included in email notifications sent to all of our users. If you want to make sure your sale is included in emails, it must be published two days before it begins.

Locally Featured Sales

The Locally featured slot can be purchased, if available, up to 30 days before a sale starts. The feature will appear on the sale from the time it’s purchased up until the sale ends. For each metro area, there are three Locally Featured slots available per week.

If you change the dates of your sale after you purchase a Locally featured slot, the feature will not change or move with the sale, and will no longer appear. Locally featured slots are non-refundable. You will need to purchase the feature again for the new sale dates.

Regionally and Nationally Featured Sales

When you purchase a Regionally or Nationally featured slot, you’ve purchased a week of that feature. You can review the week you selected for your sale by doing the following:

  1. Start from your Account Home page
  2. Click the Edit button on the correct sale
  3. Click the Options tab

If you change the dates of your sale after you purchase a feature, the dates of the feature will not change or move with the sale, and will no longer appear. These features are non-refundable. You will need to purchase the feature again for the new sale dates.

If your feature is not appearing on the dates you selected, please call our support team at 888-653-8468 for assistance.

You can increase the visibility of your traditional sale by featuring it Locally, Regionally, or Nationally. Feature dates are non-refundable and cannot be changed after they are paid for, so you’ll want to verify the date(s) of your sale before you purchase a feature.

Locally Featured

  • Limited to three sales per metro area each week.
  • Appears as an orange badge on your sale. Additionally, this orange badge is visible on the city’s sale listings page or the primary metro area.
  • Can be purchased up to 30 days in advance of the sale. *New slots become available on Sunday evenings at 9 pm.
  • This is a weekly slot, from Sunday to Sunday.
  • Price is $100.00. For companies on the Gold package, the price is $80.00.

Regionally Featured

  • Unlimited per region.
  • Appears as a green badge on your sale. Additionally, this green badge is visible on your sale on the city’s sale listings page and up to 250 miles from the sale location. (You can view the list of cities in which your sale will appear in by clicking “same region where your sale is taking place” on the Options tab when setting up or editing your sale.)
  • This is a weekly slot, from Sunday to Sunday.
  • Three random Regionally Featured sales are displayed at the bottom of all city sale listing pages as well as in email notifications, with a link to view all Regionally Featured sales.
  • Price is $150.00. For companies on the Gold package, the price is $120.00.

Nationally Featured

  • Unlimited.
  • Appears as a blue badge on your sale. Additionally, this blue badge is visible on your sale on the city’s sale listings page.
  • Three random Nationally Featured sales are displayed on the EstateSales.NET homepage, at the bottom of all city pages and in email notifications, with a link to view all Nationally Featured sales.
  • This is a weekly slot, from Sunday to Sunday.
  • Price is $250.00. For companies on the Gold package, the price is $200.00.
When does the email blast go out to users?

System wide, email notifications go out every day about upcoming sales. So the question is really, when will my sale appear in an email notification?

Each user has the option of customizing when they want to be notified about upcoming sales, as well as what types of sales and where they are located. Most users, and by most we mean more than 90%, choose to receive an email one day before a sale starts. This means your sale must be published two days before your sale begins so we can have emails prepared to be sent out to users.

Some users, though not many, have chosen to receive emails two, three or more days before the sales’ starting dates. Unless you’re submitting and paying for your sale listing at least seven days before it begins, your sale may not be in every single user's notification, though it will be in most.

How many users are in my area?

You can view how many users we have in a specific area by following these steps from a desktop or laptop. This statistic is not able to be viewed on a mobile device. Starting from the EstateSales.NET homepage:

  1. Click find sales.
  2. Enter the ZIP code or the name of the city or metro area.
  3. Scroll down to the section titled Statistics About the (specific area) on our Site, where the number of users is displayed. This section is located in the left column.
How many times has my sale been viewed?

The total amount of views for your sale will include every single view your sale gets from our website and app, even if it's a returning view. The total number of views for the sale is compiled once a day, between 10 am and 12 pm.

To see the view count for a currently listed sale, you can log into your EstateSales.NET account and locate your sale on your Account Home page under My Traditional Sales or My Private Sales. The view count will be displayed below the sale’s Start Date.

To see the number of views for a sale that occurred in the past:

  1. Log into your account​​​​.
  2. Click Sales.
  3. Click the past sale type you wish to search, Past Traditional or Past Marketplace
  4. Locate your sale. The number of views will be displayed beneath the sale title.
How do I pay for my sale listing?

On the last step of creating your sale, you will be prompted to make payment before it can be published. You can pay by Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover.

If you exited your sale listing before completing it and adding payment, you can return to the payment section by doing the following:

  1. Start from your Account Home page
  2. Click No - Pending Payment on the correct sale
  3. Enter your payment information
  4. Click Pay and Publish Sale
How can I edit my sale after publishing the listing?

You can edit your sale at any time up until it ends. To make changes to your sale:

  1. Start from your Account Home page
  2. Click Edit next to the correct sale title
  3. Make sure to click Save & Continue between tabs and before leaving
I can’t find my sale on EstateSales.NET

If you happen to not be able to find your sale, first make sure it was successfully published. You can check on the status of your sale on your Account Home page, which will show you if your sale is published and how many views it has received. If your sale is not appearing on your Account Home page, it’s possible you may have created the sale with a different account using a different email address.

If your sale is published but you’re still unable to find it, double check your filter settings. Are you searching in the correct ZIP or city/metro area? Are you sorting by date/time or distance? Do you have the correct sale type chosen? Likely, adjusting one or some of your settings will lead to your sale.

In a rare circumstance, your sale might have been unpublished or removed from our site. If your sale was removed, we sent you a notification via email stating the reason for the removal. Please check your email inbox for the address used with your account.

Why isn't my credit card working?

We accept all valid Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit and debit cards. If your card is not being accepted, please double check that you have entered the card number, expiration dates, CVC code and billing ZIP code correctly. If they are correct, please check with your bank or card issuer. If your bank states there should not be a problem, you are welcome to call our support team at 888-653-8468.

Most prepaid cards work on our site, but some do not. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Why do I have to add a credit card for two payment processors when buying from Marketplace?

Estate sale companies that sell items on Marketplace have the ability to choose between Stripe or Square as a payment processor. We recommend putting your credit card on file for both processors to be able to purchase from or bid on any sale on Marketplace.

How do I update my credit card?

Estate Sale Companies

You can update your credit card on file as an estate sale company for your monthly package billing by doing the following:

  1. Log into your account
  2. In the My Company Quick Actions section on your Account Home page, click Update Credit Card
  3. Make the necessary change and click Update Credit Card


You can update your credit on file as a Marketplace buyer by doing the following:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Click User Settings
  3. Click Payment Methods
  4. Click ADD NEW CARD
  5. Enter your card information and click SAVE AS DEFAULT or SAVE
How Do I View My Billing History or Print a Receipt?

For Private Sales

  1. Log into your EstateSales.NET account
  2. Click on User Settings
  3. Click View Past Transactions located in the Subscription box
  4. Click View Receipt

For Companies

You can view all Past Transactions and your Next Scheduled Billing Date for your account by doing the following:

  1. Log into your EstateSales.NET account.
  2. Click Billing.
  3. Click on Past Transactions.
  4. Choose the correct time frame from the options available. Your next billing date will be displayed under Account Transactions.

You can view or print receipts for past transactions by doing the following:

  1. Use the steps above to view Past Transactions.
  2. Click View Receipt under the correct transaction.
  3. To print, click on the Print icon located at the top right of the page.
How do I get on your mailing list?

To receive email notifications about upcoming sales, you’ll need to create a user account. You can click the red Get Free Sale Notifications button on the homepage, or click the link below.

Get Free Sale Notifications

Why am I getting notifications that include sales that are out of my area?

In addition to the sales you specify you want to be notified of, we also include Regionally and Nationally featured sales. If you don’t wish to be notified of these sales, you can change your notification settings in your account by doing the following:

  1. Start from your Account Home page
  2. Click Notification Settings
  3. De-select the sales you don’t want notifications for in the Sales to be Notified About section
  4. Click Save My Info
I can’t log into my account

First, double-check the email address and password you’re using. Passwords on our site are case-sensitive. If you’ve made sure that everything is being entered correctly and you are still unable to log in, you can use the Forgot Password link.

If you are having problems with receiving or using the link sent to you, you can call us at 888-653-8468, or send us an email from the email address associated with your account to support@EstateSales.NET.

How do I confirm my email address?

Once you have created a free account, EstateSales.NET will send you an email to confirm your email address. This is to make sure you entered your address correctly and that you are able to receive emails we send. It will also verify you are an actual person that wants to receive our emails.

All you need to do is check your inbox, and click Confirm Email Now in the email you received. If you don’t see an email from EstateSales.NET, first check your junk or spam folders. If you still don’t find it, give our support team a call at 888-653-8468 or send an email to support@EstateSales.NET. Be sure to send your email from the same address you used to create your account.

How do I reset my password?

If you have forgotten your password, or you are unsure if you have one, you can reset it by using the link below:

Forgot Password

You can also access the Forgot Password page by clicking sign in at the top of any page on EstateSales.NET, and then clicking Forgot Password?

If you have requested an email to reset your password and you have not received it, or if the link is broken, please contact support at 888-653-8468 or support@EstateSales.NET. If you email our support team, be sure to email in from the address associated with your account.

How do I sign up my estate sale company?

If you DO NOT already have a user account, you can get started by viewing our package options here:

Add Company

If you already have a user account, you can sign up your company through that account. You can get started by first logging into your account, then:

  1. Click on List Sale in the Account Home menu
  2. Click View Company Options
  3. Click Sign me up! on the appropriate package choice
  4. Complete the process

If you already have a user account but you do not want to use it to start a new company account, you can simply log out and then click here:

Add Company

Can I list a sale without my company name?

When you list a sale from your company account, your company name will automatically appear on the sale listing. There is not a way to remove the name of your company from the listing.

All company accounts also have a user account, where you CAN list a sale privately. Sales listed privately will display on the Account Home page of your company account under the banner titled My Private Sales.

To list a private sale inside of our company account:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click Sales in the Account Home menu
  3. Click Add Private Sale.
  4. Complete the sale creation process.
Where can I find my sale on EstateSales.NET?

Once you publish your sale, it is immediately visible on EstateSales.NET as long as your sale starts within the next 90 days. You can find it by searching for the city’s sale listings page or primary metro area. From the EstateSales.NET home page, enter the zip code or city name where the sale is located. Choose from the options from the drop-down menu whether you would like to search the specific zip code or entire metro area.

When viewing sales on a city page, you can use the Sort By options to display sales by

  • Date then time
  • Distance only
  • Date then distance
  • Newly listed

All site users have the ability to change their filters to find the sales they want to see. The options chosen by a specific user will determine where your sale will appear in the list.

If you simply want to view how your listing appears to users regardless of its location on the city’s sale listings page, you can check it out by clicking on the linked title of your sale from your Account Home page.

Where can I find my company on the Hire a Company page?

Where your company can be found on the Hire a Company page can differ depending on whether the user is searching by ZIP code or metro area. When searching by metro area, companies are first grouped by package:

  1. Gold
  2. Silver
  3. Bronze

Within each grouping, companies are listed randomly. To see a new random ordering of sales, the user would need to return in a new browser session.

(Companies that are not located in that metro area, but choose to advertise there, will be in a second grouping of Gold, Silver and Bronze companies. The order of these are also randomized.)

When searching by ZIP, companies are ordered first by distance:

  1. <25 miles
  2. <50 miles
  3. <75 miles
  4. <100 miles
  5. more than 100 miles

Then they are ordered by package:

  1. Gold
  2. Silver
  3. Bronze

Within each grouping, companies are listed randomly. To see a new random ordering of sales, the user would need to return in a new browser session.

EstateSales.NET Marketplace

What costs are involved in buying on EstateSales.NET?

Buyers are responsible for paying;

  • The service fee for use of the platform when buying items on the marketplace.
  • The applicable sales tax on their purchases. Sales tax rates are determined by the delivery address the buyer provides at the time of purchase. Shipping fees and sales tax are clearly displayed on the cost breakdown before any purchase is confirmed.
  • Any shipping costs incurred with respect to their purchases.
What is the Marketplace service fee?

We work hard to make our marketplace a user-friendly and secure shopping experience. The service fee helps cover the cost of payments and shipping providers, operations, customer support, new feature development and platform improvements.

Starting October 1, 2024 when you make a purchase, a service fee of $2.95 will be charged. The service fee is charged on each item. The service fee will be displayed as an itemized component of the final price of your item on the checkout page.

Will the Marketplace service fee change if I buy multiple items?

The $2.95 service fee is charged on each item. Currently, if you buy multiple items, you checkout for each item as a single order. We plan to improve this experience in the future.

Will the Marketplace service fee be refunded if I cancel or return my item?

The service fee is charged to the buyer and may be refunded, depending on the reason for cancellation or return