Pristine Collections

estate sale3 day sale 6 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Citrus Heights, CA 95621 will be available after 7:00am on Friday, March 14th, 2025.
Mar 14
10am to 3pm
Mar 15
9am to 3pm
Mar 16
9am to 2pm

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 Description & Details

We have Gold, Silver and tons of other Jewelry. Depression glasS Lee Reynolds' MCM abstract Painting original Marilyn Zarzana art Amish Butter print Pyrex Nesting Bowls Sunkist milk glass juicer Portmeirion - Botanic Hummingbird - 3 Pint Pitcher Vintage Hand Painted Italy La Primula Daisy Flower Floral Yellow Blue Serve Bowls Atlantic Mold Potato Tureen and Bowls Fire King Primerose Custard Bowls Luminarc Domino Signature Black and Clear Champagne Flutes Garfield glass mugs Libby pink Dancing Elephant Shot Glasses Libbey Franco Flower juice glass Princess House Heritage Blue Stem Iced Tea Glass Noritake Perspective “Cobalt Blue “ Water Glasses Fiesta...

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