Sandys Estate Liquidators Gird Road Esthetician Plants Beds Serger machine Clothing Purses
estate sale•2 day sale •13 days away
Mar 22
8am to 2pm
Mar 23
9:30am to 2pm

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Description & Details
Sandy’s Estate Liquidators
Off Gird Road, close to the Monserate winery.
This will be a 2 day sale.
- Esthetician supplies.
- Serger sewing machine.
- Women’s clothing.
- Coach, Dooney handbags and more.
- Potted large succulent plants.
- Patio furniture and outdoor rugs.
- Pool toys and floating items.
- Two matching full size beds. Almost new.
- Trundle bed.
- Decorative art.
More information and more photos very soon.

Sandy's Estate Liquidators Corporation
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