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Dinosaur Fossil, Artifact, & Ethnographic Auction | Dr. Steven D. Nicklas Collection - Bid Online

online only auction9 day sale sale is over
  • Location Tallahassee, FL 32301

Sale Starts

Sep 7

Sale Ends

Sep 15

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Omnia Auctions LLC (Omnia Auctions, Auctioneer)

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 Description & Details

Dinosaur Fossil, Global Artifact, & Ethnographic Auction | Estate Collection of Dr. Steven D. Nicklas Dinosaur Fossil, Global Artifact, & Ethnographic Auction consisting primarily of the extensive estate collection of Dr. Steven D. Nicklas (Archeologist / Paleontologist). The auction offers thousands of pieces, to include dinosaur fossils, plant fossils, artifacts, specimens, natural history, points, baskets, pottery, vessels, statuary, tools, relics, dug coins, and various collectibles from around the globe. The auction includes consignments from 3 estates, with a majority of the auction being from the estate collection of Dr. Steven D. Nicklas. Auction Details & Online Bidding @ About...

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