Incredible Finds in Silver Spring by Exclusive Estate Sales of Maryland

estate sale3 day sale 19 days away
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Silver Spring, MD 20906 will be available after 8:00am on Thursday, March 27th, 2025.
Mar 28
10am to 3pm
Mar 29
10am to 3pm
Mar 30
10am to 3pm

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Thank you for your interest in Exclusive Estate Sales of Maryland’s (EESM) onsite estate sale!

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 Description & Details

The pictures at the bottom of this page are just a small preview of the items that will be in this incredible quality packed sale being held in this eclectic home located in Silver Spring, MD. This home is bursting at the seams with beautiful household items such as: Vintage coins Wedgwood Jasperware TVs Antique Transferware Tools Vintage equipment Beautiful vintage silverplate tea sets and various other items Yard decor Large selection of vintage T-shirts Vintage paintings MCM Lamps MCM and Antique furniture Vintage magazines Waterford Crystal Stemware and Bowls Vintage porcelain china and ceramic sets of dishes Vintage Sterling...

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