Massive Collection of Vintage & Antique Buttons, Sewing Tools, and Collectibles
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Discover a treasure trove of vintage and antique buttons, sewing items, and collectible trinkets in this extensive auction! From colorful button cards, antique tins, and rare salesman sample cards, to jars full of intricate vintage buttons, this collection offers something for every collector and crafter. Highlights include: Button Assortments: Hundreds of vintage, antique, and collectible buttons, including mother-of-pearl, metal, shell, ceramic, and novelty designs. Includes large lots of buttons from the 1930s through the 1950s, along with unique German button assortments., Vintage Button Cards: A wide range of vintage button cards, including salesmen’s sample cards, Hallmark friendship cards, and small...
Cates Auction & Real Estate Company
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