Starting the Year Off Sale in Hendersonville

estate sale2 day sale last day of sale
  • Directions
    The sale is located off Hwy 191 in Hendersonville, NC Turn onto Ewbank Dr from Hwy 191/Haywood RD. In 800' the home is located on the right. Please do not park on the neighbors yards, block their dri... 
Jan 8
2pm to 6pm
Jan 9
2pm to 6pm
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$10.00 minimum for credit/debit cards
Please do not park on the neighbors yards, block their driveways or mailboxes.
Note: We reserve the right to open early due to the weather, parking concerns or crowd size. Thank you.
 Description & Details

50% off all items Thursday 2-6pm We have moved up this weekends sale due to the strong possibility of inclement weather. Thank you. Our first sale of the year is located off Hwy 191/Haywood Rd in Hendersonville, NC. Items include tableware, furniture, clothing linens, artwork and more. Please see photos for details Furniture: Handcrafted twin beds, drop leaf tables, East Lake dining table, sofa, side tables, arm chairs, Victorian chair, MCM Kent O Coffey red/white chest, outdoor furniture, wicker sofa and chair, etc Kitchen/Glassware: Revereware pots and pans, several sets of china including Spode, cut glass and older pressed glass...

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