auction1 day sale 48 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Lexington, NC 27292 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, April 25th, 2025.
Apr 26

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Williams Auctions & Estate Sales. Jennifer Williams NCAL# 10457 is conducting a LIVE AUCTION for th...
 Description & Details

Items to be auctioned: Bob Timberlake Storage table for art/print (used as a coffee table), 20pcs. Gerber Melrose Sterling Silver, 1847 Rogers Heritage Silver Plate,  Pfaltzgraff Dishes, Serving Dis, Pitchers, Vintage Schwinn Bicycle, Vintage Clothing, Frigidaire Refrigerator, Microwave, Kenmore Stove,  Silver Plate Tea Service, Furniture,  Lamps, Framed Art, Frames, Drop Leaf Table, Dining Room Table, Victorian Sofa & Chairs, China, Lane Hope Chest, Fostoria Glass, SO MUCH MORE!! 

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