Once & Again in Livingston

estate sale2 day sale 16 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Livingston, NJ 07039 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, January 24th, 2025.
Jan 25
10am to 3pm
Jan 26
11am to 3pm

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 Terms & Conditions
This sale will be a CASH ,VENMO and CREDIT CARD sale, a 3% up charge for use of credit cards with a 50.00 minimum


Neither ONCE & AGAIN or the homeowners are responsible for accidents.
Last as usual no large bags, no bathroom use and respect the do not enter signs
 Description & Details

Once & Again in Livingston This home features: * Sterling Silver pieces * Outdoor furniture * Mirrors * Art * Vintage Furniture * Rugs * Small kitchen appliances * " Coming to the Parson" * Lucite stand * Mid Century Furniture * Antique English Pine hutch, 2 pieces * Cabriole extension dining table, leaves that store inside * Bar cart * Tea cup collection * Televisions * English Hunt board Console * Lamps * Sectional with chaise * Corner Pine hutch * Storage ottomans * Bookcase * Perfumes * Brass Headboard * Bernhardt Bedroom furniture * Barometer * Ping Pong...

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