Automotive & Garage Tools Auction

auction1 day sale 17 days away
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    (Rt. 31 to N. on Old Route 31 to E. on Shantz Rd.) 
Apr 5
10am to 5pm
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 Terms & Conditions
Terms on Personal Property: Full payment due day of auction by Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover & Debit Cards. Checks w/Bank Letter of Guarantee. 15% Buyer’s premium. All items sold in "AS IS" condition. Subject to errors and omissions. Bring your own lunch! Driver’s license required for bidding number. All statements made day of auction take precedence over printed material.
 Description & Details

Automotive & Garage Tools AUCTION 1051 Shantz Road, Jordan, NY 13080 (Rt. 31 to N. on Old Route 31 to E. on Shantz Rd.) SAT., APRIL 5, 10 AM Preview: 9-10 AM Auctioning for Vicky Monica, Collection of Automotive & Garage Tools to include: Dbl. stacking MAC tool box, Dbl. stacking Kobalt tool box, MBC Dbl. stacking tool box, Kobalt Dbl. stacking SS tool box; Collection of Mechanics hand tools by Snap-on, MAC, S & K, Wayne, Craftsman, Gear wrench, Bluepoint, Stanley including: Wrenches, pry bars, racket wrenches, ratchets, sockets, extensions, screw drivers, Allan wrenches, Bluepoint adjustable pliers, nut drivers,1/4”,...

Brzostek's Auction Service, Inc.

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