Wilson Antiques

estate sale4 day sale starts today
Mar 20
10am to 4pm
Mar 21
10am to 4pm
Mar 22
10am to 4pm
Mar 23
10am to 4pm
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Cash or credit card(10.00 minimum on cards).You must load all furniture and large items, we do not have anyone on hand to help.
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 Description & Details

Homesteader & Barn Estate Sale Antiques, furniture,glass, stoneware, tons of stainless steel cookware, vintage toys, vintage clothes, Rare Schoenhut doll, bayonets, coins, linens, piles of wool blankets, xmas, books, tons of smalls, thousands of hand tools, power tools, farming tools, chicken raising items, hundreds of canning jars all sizes, bee keeping supplies and hive boxes, straw/hay elevators, Ontario Seed Drill in working condition, planting screen boxes, lumber, galvanized cans and tubs, livestock water tubs, farm trailers, coal, 5 wheelbarrows, tons of pitchforks and shovels, picking baskets all sizes, antique insulators, glass carboys, and did we mention tools! 5 chainsaws, pile...

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