Pete's Treasure Finds Parma Hts Household Liquidation Auction

online estate sale7 day sale 3 days remaining
  • Location Parma Heights, OH 44130

Sale Starts

Jan 5

Sale Ends

Jan 11

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 Description & Details

Pete's Treasure Finds offers a diverse array of items, catering to a variety of interests and needs. Among the offerings are furniture pieces such as antique and steel-frame beds, a wood cart with castors and a power strip, dressers, side tables, and a vanity table. There is also a selection of decorative home items, including framed art, mirrors, candle sconces, and a fireplace wood surround. Practical furniture like storage carts, file cabinets, and a wall-mounted TV are also available, alongside an assortment of bathroom decor and supplies. For clothing enthusiasts, there is a wide range of apparel, from Harley Davidson...

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