Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale 12 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Yukon, OK 73099 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, March 20th, 2025.
Mar 21
9am to 4pm
Mar 22
9am to 4pm
Mar 23
1pm to 4pm

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All sales are final, everything is sold "as is". Please bring help to load items. We are not responsible for accidents. Cash is encouraged and cards are accepted with a 5% fee.
 Description & Details

Estate of Mike Gandara John Deer 0-turn mower, 1971 Cutlass Convertible, 2001 GMC Sierra, MoPed, 40’s & 50’s lady’s hats & dresses, Antique sofa, office desk, antique kerosene lamp, kitchen table with drop-leaf & 4 chairs & matching cabinet, dining room table w/ 6 chairs, silver tea set, gossip bench, antique side table, chest of drawers, 2 single beds, Full iron rail w/ head/foot board, computer, wall pictures, LG washer & dryer, Reglor of Calif lamp, weight bench, 9- drawer dresser w/ mirror, king bed w/ iron frame, 6 drawer chest, 4 drawer chest, queen bed, T.V. desk, book case,...

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