Vintage Collectors Dream Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale 5 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Nacogdoches, TX 75964 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, March 13th, 2025.
Mar 14
8am to 2pm
Mar 15
8am to 12pm

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Cash or check with lots of id . Bring Help to Load Large Items, All items must be removed day of sale, Not Responsible for Accidents
Bonnie Worley TXL # 16894
 Description & Details

Estate Sale Friday March 14, 8 am - 2 pm Saturday March 15, 8 am – Noon Address available day before sale Vintage Collectors dream sale!!! Vintage tins, vintage enamel ware, lots of Pyrex, Ceramic Christmas tree, Texas Jax beer tray, cast iron, glass churn, vintage cookie cutters, wooden bowls, wooden display stools, Nacogdoches bottles, oil lamps, lots of collectible tins, pot & pans, vintage Fischer Price toys, games, crocks, old jars, so many pieces of metal children’s dishes, sweet mini child’s hutches, miniature china tea sets, Ohio Art tops, spool cabinet, marbles, samplers, chalkware, bird houses, salt/pepper sets, lots...

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