estate sale4 day sale 3 days remaining
  • Directions
    Do NOT block driveways, mailboxes or the street. Please only park on one side of the street. 
Jan 8
3pm to 6pm
Jan 9
8am to 4pm
Jan 10
8am to 4pm
Jan 11
8am to 11:15am
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Our business is built on 4 core principles RICH in Ozark Mountain Heritage;
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 Description & Details

This sale has it all! This is a Wednesday afternoon (3pm) to Saturday morning sale. At 11am, on Saturday, we will complete the sale with a Liquidation Auction on remaining items. This sale has a wide variety of items from antiques, vintage items, and everyday items to guns! This gentleman worked for Colonial Bakery for 30 years, so there are several collectible items from his time there. He was also a hunting and gun enthusiast. He collected and sold guns, so has a fair amount. The guns will not be subject to the daily discounts nor go to auction. Since...

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